Yesterday was a busy, busy day and I was having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I did get to watch Noah yesterday... and he was doing just great. Erin had a doctors appointment in Bloomington, and everything checked out good with the baby on the way. Maggie had drivers training and basketball practice in the evening. The guys were here mowing the hay fields, and it looks great to have it mowed! We will be baling it on Wednesday. Yesterday was also my baby sister Lana's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANA! We will always call her little Lana.... must be cool to be the baby of the family! Here is a photo of Aunt Lana with baby Addison (Dana's baby girl).
The weekend was great... lots of fathers day and birthday celebrations. This was the last chance we were going to have to get together in a while. We celebrated Aunt Susie, Jason, and Jordan's birthdays.